Select Your Browser:

Kindle Fire Browser (on your Kindle Fire)
Internet Explorer (on your PC)
Google Chrome (on your PC or Mac)
Mozilla Firefox (on your PC or Mac)
Apple Safari (on your Mac)


Kindle Fire Browser


  1. Click on the link to download the Kindle eBook .MOBI file format to your Kindle Fire
  2. Use your computer to navigate to the “Download” folder on your Kindle Fire
  3. Move the downloaded .mobi file in this folder to the the “Documents” folder on your Kindle Fire.
  4. Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer 
  5. You will now find the eBook ready to read in your Kindle Fire Library

Step by Step Procedure

Once you have completed the purchase from the WebStore on your Kindle Fire, click on the link to download the Kindle .MOBI file format to your Kindle Fire.

Your Kindle Fire device will then display a message at the bottom of the screen stating “Starting Download…”. You will see a number 1 appear at the top of your screen next to the text “kindle”.

Kindle Fire
Kindle Fire

Click on this 1 icon, which will bring up the Notification/Ongoing screen. You will see from this screen that your download is either in progress or has completed. Wait for the text “Download complete” to appear underneath the download.

Plug in your Kindle to the USB port on your computer (the small rectangular slot). The Kindle Fire does not come standard with a USB cable, so you will need to purchase the cable separately.

When you attach your Kindle to your computer using the USB cable, it makes your Kindle appear as a removable hard drive on your computer.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop
Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop

Windows 7: My Computer

Windows 7: My Computer

Open the Kindle removable drive that appears on your computer and navigate to the “Download” folder.

Find the downloaded .mobi file, the file will have the same name as what appeared on the Notification/Ongoing screen on your Kindle Fire. Drag this file into the “Documents” folder on your Kindle Fire.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Fire Directory
Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Fire Directory

Windows 7: Kindle Fire Directory
Windows 7: Kindle Fire Directory

Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer and disconnect from your computer and the book will be ready to read in your Book Library on your Kindle.

Next Step, How to Setup your eReading Device



Internet Explorer


  1. Click on the link to download the Kindle eBook .MOBI file file format from the WebStore.
  2. Move the downloaded .mobi file to the the “Documents” folder on your Kindle.
  3. Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer.
  4. You will now find the eBook ready to read in your Kindle Library.

Step by Step Procedure:

Once you have completed the purchase from the WebStore, click on the link to download the Kindle .MOBI file format.

By default, this file will be downloaded to your “Downloads” folder, inside your Documents folder. Open this folder and locate the downloaded file, which will end in the extension “.mobi”.

Plug in your Kindle to the USB port on your computer (the small rectangular slot) using the cable that came with your Kindle. The Kindle Fire does not come standard with a USB cable, so you will need to purchase the cable separately.

When you attach your Kindle to your computer using the USB cable, it makes your Kindle appear as a removable hard drive on your computer.

Windows 7: My Computer

Navigate to where you see your Kindle show up as a hard drive on your computer and open the folder “documents”.

Copy the downloaded .mobi file into the documents folder on the Kindle device.

Windows 7: Kindle Directory

Windows 7: Kindle Directory

Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer and disconnect from your computer and the book will be ready to read in your Book Library on your Kindle.

Next Step, How to Setup your eReading Device



Google Chrome


  1. Click on the link to download the Kindle eBook .MOBI file format from the WebStore.
  2. Save the downloaded .mobi file to the the “Documents” folder on your Kindle.
  3. Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer.
  4. You will now find the eBook ready to read in your Kindle Library.

Step by Step Procedure:

Firstly, go to the Preferences/Settings Panel for Google Chrome. Click “Show advanced settings…” and scroll down to Downloads.

Mac OS 10.6.8
Mac OS 10.6.8

Windows 7

Windows 7

Click on the check box “Ask where to save each file before downloading“, which will allow you to save your files to where you want to place them. If you don’t complete this step, your files may go to your Downloads folder, and it will be more difficult to find and move them to your Kindle device.

Google Chrome: Downloads
Google Chrome: Downloads

Plug in your Kindle to the USB port on your computer (the small rectangular slot) using the cable that came with your Kindle. The Kindle Fire does not come standard with a USB cable, so you will need to purchase the cable separately.

When you attach your Kindle to your computer using the USB cable, it makes your Kindle appear as a removable hard drive on your computer.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop
Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop

Windows 7: My Computer
Windows 7: My Computer

Once you have completed the purchase from the WebStore, click on the link to download the Kindle .MOBI file format.

If you have followed the first step, your computer will now ask you where you want to save this file. Navigate to where you see your Kindle show up as a hard drive on your computer. Next, save the eBook file, which should end with the name .mobi, to the folder named “documents” on your Kindle.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Directory

Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Directory

Windows 7: Kindle Directory
Windows 7: Kindle Directory

Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer and disconnect from your computer and the book will be ready to read in your Book Library on your Kindle.

Next Step, How to Setup your eReading Device



Mozilla Firefox


  1. Click on the link to download the Kindle eBook .MOBI file format from the WebStore.
  2. Save the downloaded .mobi file to the the “Documents” folder on your Kindle.
  3. Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer.
  4. You will now find the eBook ready to read in your Kindle Library.

Step by Step Procedure:

Firstly, go to the Preferences/Settings Panel for Mozilla Firefox. Click the General tab where you will find the Downloads section.

Mac OS 10.6.8
Mac OS 10.6.8

Windows 7
Windows 7
Note: Found at the bottom of the home screen.

Click on the check box “Always ask me where to save files“, which will allow you to save your files to where you want to place them. If you don’t complete this step, your files may go to your Downloads folder, and will be more difficult to find and move them to your Kindle device.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Mozilla Preference Pane
Mac OS 10.6.8: Mozilla Preference Pane

Windows 7: Mozilla Settings Pane

Windows 7: Mozilla Settings Pane

Plug in your Kindle to the USB port on your computer (the small rectangular slot) using the cable that came with your Kindle. The Kindle Fire does not come standard with a USB cable, so you will need to purchase the cable separately.

When you attach your Kindle to your computer using the USB cable, it makes your Kindle appear as a removable hard drive on your computer.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop
Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop

Windows 7: My Computer
Windows 7: My Computer

Once you have completed the purchase from the WebStore, click on the link to download the Kindle .MOBI file format.

If you have followed the first step, your computer will now ask you where you want to save this file. Navigate to where you see your Kindle show up as a hard drive on your computer. Next, save the eBook file, which should end with the name .mobi, to the folder named “documents”.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Directory
Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Directory

Windows 7: Kindle Directory
Windows 7: Kindle Directory

Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer and disconnect from your computer and the book will be ready to read in your Book Library on your Kindle.

Next Step, How to Setup your eReading Device



Apple Safari


  1. Click on the link to download the Kindle eBook .MOBI file format from the WebStore.
  2. Move the downloaded .mobi file to the the “Documents” folder on your Kindle.
  3. Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer.
  4. You will now find the eBook ready to read in your Kindle Library.

Step by Step Procedure:

Plug in your Kindle to the USB port on your computer (the small rectangular slot) using the cable that came with your Kindle. The Kindle Fire does not come standard with a USB cable, so you will need to purchase the cable separately.

When you attach your Kindle to your computer using the USB cable, it makes your Kindle appear as a removable hard drive on your computer.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop
Mac OS 10.6.8: Desktop

Once you have completed the purchase from the WebStore, click on the link to download the Kindle .MOBI file format.

By default, this file will be downloaded to your “Downloads” folder, inside your User folder. Open this folder and locate the downloaded file, which will end in the extension “.mobi”.

Navigate to where you see your Kindle show up as a hard drive on your computer and open the folder “documents”.

Copy the downloaded .mobi file into the documents folder on the Kindle device.

Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Directory
Mac OS 10.6.8: Kindle Finder Window

Once the file has finished copying, safely eject the Kindle from your computer and disconnect from your computer and the book will be ready to read in your Book Library on your Kindle.

Next Step, How to Setup your eReading Device

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