Many beginning guitarists will often ask the same question; “do you need an expensive guitar to start learning”? The answer is quite simply; no, you don’t need an expensive guitar to get started. In most music stores you can find beginner guitars that sound great and don’t cost too much. Expensive guitars and cheap guitars all have the same important elements that you need to learn and practice your technique, frets and strings.

The cost depends on what type of guitar you buy. A steel string or nylon string acoustic is often cheaper than a beginner electric guitar and amp. Go to a music store and try a few guitars until you find one in your price range that sounds good. If you can’t play yet, get a music store staff member to demonstrate the guitar for you and ask them questions about the instrument.

If you are buying an electric guitar, you will need to buy an amp to hear the guitar out loud. There are also many beginner amps available which don’t cost much and will sound good enough that you can use them in jam sessions with drums, bass and guitars.

But even if you don’t have an amp in the beginning, you will be able to hear guitar loud enough to play chords, melodies and riffs and practice all the essential techniques of guitar playing.

Later on, once you’ve been playing for a while and you decide that playing guitar is what you really want to do, you might decide to upgrade to a more expensive guitar.


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